Do you want to get involved in supporting Legacy 90.1FM to do more for African and Caribbean communities? Our community radio station is at the heart of the African and Caribbean community in Manchester and we are committed to:
- Amplifying the voices of people who are often unheard.
- Working with organisations who support others in need.
- Training the next generation of media professionals.

Get Involved In Legacy in the Community
Support our community work
Fundraise for us
Fundraise on our behalf at work, with family and friends or through your business. Get your work team together to take on a challenge, hold a coffee morning or give 1p of all purchases over a week or longer to Legacy 90.1FM. Take a look at the A-Z of Fundraising Ideas by clicking on the link below.
Donate to support our community projects
If you don’t want to organise a fundraising event, it's easy to donate to or sponsor one of our community shows or projects directly, either with a one-off donation or by setting up a regular one. Please only donate if you can afford it. Just click on the SUPPORT US button that appears on different pages.
Sponsor Us
Cement your reputation as a caring company by sponsoring a show on Legacy 90.1FM. People are attracted to companies that care about their community and in return for your sponsorship, you will benefit from competitor free promotion at the beginning and end of your chosen show.
So how can you get involved?
Be a volunteer DJ
Media is an exciting sector and our volunteer programme ensures that you gain the skills the sector is looking for.
Be a social media ambassador
We are always looking for people who are proactive on social media and will help us spread key messages across a wider audience. Contact us to find out how you can be a social ambassador.
Listen to us on the radio
Love the sounds of the Caribbean? Love to listen to discussion and debate? Need information or advice? Then listen to us on 90.1FM.
Competitions, Surveys and Events
Join in to win
Due to the coronavirus pandemic we are not running any competitions at the moment but keep checking as things change.
To help us prepare for when we can get our discussion shows back up and running, please take our survey and tell us what topics YOU think we should discuss.
We hold online and physical events such as Manchester's Got Talent where you can showcase your talents and win prizes.